Would You Like 5 Of My
Best Rooming House Tips?
Do you currently own a rooming house or are interested in acquiring one? Then these rooming house tips will be just what you need.
Or maybe you’d just like to know more about how they work? The info in my tips can also point you in the right direction!
Bottom line, if you’d like to learn more about rooming houses and gain access to some of the knowledge I’ve gained in the last decade plus of renting rooms, you’ll want to register at the bottom of this page to get some of my best tips for owners (or owners to be) of rooming properties.
The Tip of the Iceberg
After having personally managed ten rooming properties and up to 53 rooms on a weekly basis at our peak during the last decade I’ve seen and learned enough to fill multiple books. Books I’m actually starting to consider writing this year.
In the mean time, I’ve put together 5 tips to get people started. To help them avoid some early problems and challenges I had.
These tips aren’t rocket science, they’re just handy simple strategies and ideas you can implement almost immediately to help your rooming house business.
Take advantage of my knowledge and experience and sign up today!
They’re free so what do you have to lose?
Getting Started
To make sure you really do want the information when you sign up, I use a process called double opt in. What this means is once you submit your name and email you’ll get a second email (this email sometimes ends up in your spam or junk folder, so if you don’t see it within ten minutes check those folders for it) that asks you to confirm you really want to get my emails.
By clicking the link in the email it confirms it really was you signing up and not someone randomly dropping emails into registration forms.
Once that’s done, you’ll start receiving one email per day over the next five days with these powerful helpful tips. All designed to make your job as the owner of a rooming house or shared accommodation property simpler, easier and more profitable!
So hopefully by now you’ve already confirmed and if so, you should have your first email in your inbox If not, go confirm and let’s get started, Welcome aboard and I hope this benefits you right away!