Get Your Ducks In A Row
Part of being a successful landlord is learning to treat owning a rental property as a business. If you want to turn your rental property into a successful business, you need to separate yourself from the regular landlords. Regular landlords just show up, successful landlords have their ducks in a row!
Rather than just tell tenants about the property when they show up, or hope they remember everything from an ad they may have seen, prepare some info sheets on your property. Then as they arrive you can hand the tenants the property information.
Most tenants have multiple properties they are trying to choose from and this is a great way to stand out from those other properties. If you provide them with a handout that has large color pictures captured in the best possible way, details on the neighborhoods schools, shopping, bus information and everything else you can think of, who will stand out? Especially when they compare your information to their vague recollection they have of the other properties.
If you don’t think this would be effective, why do you think realtors have all those color info sheets at homes they sell? There is also an extra bonus that comes with preparing your info sheet. You’ve now become even more familiar with the area and it’s far easier to answer any questions that can pop up out of the blue.
Take It To The Next Level
After you’ve been a landlord for several years, hopefully you’ve had many happy tenants and provided a great home for them. If you fit into this category, it shouldn’t be a problem to get a few testimonials from your former tenants before they have moved onto their next home.
Why not take these testimonials and have them set up in various spots in the rental property? We’ve purchased several of the acrylic display stands from office supply stores for just this purpose. Having some positive words about you as a landlord on display can have a huge impact on a tenants decision.
We try and get testimonials from all of our tenants just for purposes like this. The more positive indicators a tenant has about you, the higher the likelihood if it comes down to your property versus another the odds will be in your favor of getting chosen as the preferred destination. By being more prepared than most landlords, you will put yourself head and shoulders above them.