Bill, why so many articles, I’m getting emails every day from you? What’s going on?!?!?

I’m getting questions like this from people, so I thought I’d do a quick update on day 19 of my 30 day personal challenge.
I took a long time off from this site to deal with everything else in my life and came to a realization I still have a ton of info to share.
It started with a few interviews and requests for interviews I had in June and July and these requests have started to increase as I’ve become more active again.
I’ve been actively answering questions, mentoring some new Real Estate investors and generally helping out landlords through multiple online forums and groups the last month and WOW, do people need help!
Mistakes Can Be Costly In Real Estate
When you’re starting out, or if you’ve been lucky for a long time, in Real Estate you don’t understand how expensive your mistakes can be.
One bad tenant could cost you thousands of dollars, buying the wrong property could set you back years or even a decade in your goals, not knowing the local laws and rules could handcuff you from moving forward. There are just so many pitfalls out there unsuspecting landlords could fall into.
Just last night I had a phone conversation with an individual who was considering buying a rental property from a “friend”. He made half a dozen mistakes right from the initial offer he made and was on the path of becoming a landlord who was destined to fail if he moved forward with this “deal”.
Mistakes, or simply a lack of knowledge can be a real kick in the pants with Real Estate.
I know, I’ve taken quite a few kicks to the butt over the years!
But I can help people avoid some of those mistakes, hence my personal challenge of writing 30 articles for thirty days.
That’s Why You Are Getting So Many Emails
Many of the systems I have in place for this site are automated. It;s how I can get more done in a timely fashion.
If I have my article written by 11am MDT, it automatically goes out to people who have subscribed to one of my tips series of emails, or one of my free giveaway items.
Some landlords have mentioned receiving them twice or even three times, that means you may have signed up for multiple lists and I apologize I haven’t been smart enough to ensure you only get one email.
The current fix is to use the unsubscribe button in the email you receive and it should list the various different lists you are signed up to. Unsubscribing from one or two of these will cut down on the duplicates, sorry it’s not easier.
12 More Daily Emails, Then A Slower Pace
My plan is to continue this on for another 12 emails ( I said thirty, but I’m not counting this one, so it will be 31 total) , then I’ll get back to weekly emails for the most part.
Currently these are quickly digestible two or three minute info packets (well most of them) easily read and applied. Or that’s my intent anyway.
Once I move back to a weekly format I’ll spend more time writing a single article that I can go into more depth on. Sort of deeper dives into specific topics.
I know and understand I’ve scared a bunch of people away with the flood of emails, but for those sticking with it I hope you’re enjoying the journey and getting some benefits.
Longer term, I’ll be introducing more courses, possibly a mentoring program and maybe even a private group where we can help each other succeed and move forward.
If you have any feedback leave me a message below, or reply to the email you’re likely to receive linking to this article.
Additionally, it would help me tremendously if you could share this with any landlord groups or landlord friends you know. The more people I can reach, help educate and inform, the better I’ll feel and the more I will want to contribute.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hey Bill,
I really enjoy reading all the information you send. The more you send, the more informed I am and the more confident I feel. As landlording is not my full time occupation, I can get a bit rusty when I have long term tenants and all of a sudden have to turn over a suite, so it’s nice to have these bits of information to keep me on top of things! You’re the best!
Thanks Sheri!
Love to hear the information is helping.
P.S. you saw my response to your earlier question?
Your emails are always welcome, Bill… I was happy to see such a flurry of activity! We may only be the accidental landlords of one house, but you have saved our bacon more than once!!
Thanks Kelly, always good to hear from you!