So You Want To Be a Landlord?
I seem to get a few emails/calls about being a landlord, so here are some quick thoughts from me on the basics of being a landlord.
This will likely be a multi part series, so this post will focus on what skills do you need to be a landlord?
Handyman Skills
Well some landlords I know are incredibly handy people, they are great with renovations, they love working on their properties and they are you typical Mr. Fixit’s.
However, I know many landlords who’s only tool they have ever used on their property is pen and paper. Rather than investing their time in a property, they have simply hired someone to get the job done. So while being handy helps, I guess it’s not a needed skill.
People Skills
How about people skills, a good landlord should have people skills! Again I know many landlords that are great people people and having the ability to relate to the tenants and get along with them has helped them tremendously.
But as I think about it, these same people have some challenges because they tend to get buddy buddy with their tenants, which rarely seems to work out well.
I also know many landlords who I would definitely put people skills at the lower end of their abilities, yet they are also tremendously successful. So maybe people skills aren’t quite as essential as it seems to be a successful landlord.
Fierce Negotiator
This one has to be important because first you need to be able to negotiate the best possible price on the property you’re purchasing as a rental property, then you need to negotiate with contractors to get the best prices, tenants to get the highest rates and everyone in general to get the best deals.
Except this can be a horrible plan for long term success.
The people you buy your property from resent you for being such an aggressive negotiator, the contractors won’t work for you again because they hate getting nickelled and dimed and tenants can’t wait to get out as they never feel comfortable and often feel ripped off.
In my experience it often works out far better when it’s a win/win negotiation. Where both parties get a fair deal whether it is the purchase/sale of the property, the renovation work and even the rental amounts. So maybe you don’t need to be such a fierce negotiator to make your job as a landlord easier.
Now, I’m not saying have some of the above mentioned skills won’t help you, it just appears they may not be as important as people often believe. Many people find success anyways, even if they are lacking in or more of the above areas.
So what skills are valuable to a landlord?
Organization, Patience and Humility
Now these three skills I do believe are important. Again, they may not be essential, but definitely important.
If you’re organized you can find records, receipts, invoices and more that are required for everything from your taxes to warranties to simply getting your books done correctly. Having systems in place to guide you along the way is one of the best methods to help with this.
If you’re patient and understand your Real Estate is a long term investment it makes being a landlord much easier. With the constantly changing market trying to time your purchases of a rental property and your selling of them can be incredibly stressful.
Rather than following the get rich quick path that so many people promote with Real Estate a longer term approach with an extended time frame (and lots of patience) will guide you through the ups and downs of the inevitable transitions through both buyers and sellers markets.
Finally humility. Have you ever run into a pompous landlord who knows everything about Real Estate? I’m willing to bet many of you have and apparently one ex-subscriber felt that way about me.
You need humility so you can go to others when you have questions or are unsure of the answers. It’s why you need a Real Estate agent who understands investment property when you’re buying. It’s why you need an accountant familiar with Real Estate if you are a landlord so you are aware of the correct deductions you can apply for and the correct processes for setting up your accounts.
It’s why you need to call plumbers, drywallers, painters and other contractors when something is beyond your scope or when it makes sense to bring a pro in to get the job right. Doing all of this takes a bit of humility at times as we often believe we can do it all.
And perhaps we can, but if we do, then we lose focus on what the property is. An investment that should be run as a business.
What do you think?
Good topic. I agree that being a good landlord requires time, money and effort — but it will be rewarding if it helps you retain the right tenants. I hope landlords realize that rental properties is as a business, then tenants are their customers. Once property owner find a good tenant, they would want to keep best renters for as long as possible and attract new ones. Here is a good guide that will help homeowners to manage it.
We have had some very hard lessons to the point that we are selling a very nice property because of tenants from Hell. It’s tenants choice right now here and being able to understand your legal rights and capabilities is essential.
Good to recognize that “The rent will be late this month, hold the check”, means the tenancy will soon be ending and at least one months rent will be lost.
Regards, Kim
Sorry to hear Kim. The one lesson for all landlords from this is to know the local rules and take action immediately if tenants fall behind. It’s the only way to protect yourselves.
Ok, two lessons, do your due diligence before they even get in your property!
when the tenant get in to the point that they will be late with rent, you’re right there, they are actually expecting to use their DD to pay the last month and if they do any damage, good luck tracking them down.
I got my property trashed with apparently good tenant from all the references but later I felt they were all in cahoot with each other. appropriate term “tenants from hell” so be careful also using their refs.
You got it spot on once again Bill! I’d agree with your comments, but maybe also add the importance of time management and problem solving skills – some people have them, some don’t and the rest of us learn them.
Thanks Jan,
I kind of lumped time management into being organized, it probably deserved it’s own section though and good point about the problem solving. It’s not always black and white, sometimes tenant situations and property situations can resolved with some good problem solving and adaptability skills!